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I am resolved that my 2013 resolution will not be half as ambitious as the 2012 resolution that I never had. @

Maybe people don’t change all that much, just, the more you look at them, the more you come to know who they’ve always been. @

It appears that no straw will ever break the camel’s back, but that somebody’s going to wind up sweeping his legs. @

It has always been about the people… corrupt them, and it’ll always be about be about YOU. @

Both sides rail the other side for their stupidity, but which KIND of stupid would you rather on YOUR side? @

Obscurity is a comfortable chair, but you can’t really DO anything with it. @

The other hand is busied, while it leaves the fighting to the first. @


Note: The preceding random musings are mine, ~tdv (@subconch) The @ symbols take you to the specific quotes on twitter if you care to RT, Favorite, or Reply.